The mission levels are used to categorize airsoft missions and clarify what to expect. The levels span from combat- and skirmish oriented missions without any demands or expectations, to milsim oriented missions where you need to put your personal comfort aside and follow order to contribute to the overall team mission.
What is expected of you:
Nothing. Come as you are, play at the best of your ability and have fun. Stop whenever you are tired and rest as much as you need.
Example missions:
Capture a flag, guard a road crossing, rob a bank, or lead an assault.
What is expected of you:
You are expected to follow orders. You are typically part of a larger unit acting as a vital cog in a larger offensive or plan. You get the job done, no matter the weather conditions or the temporary discomfort.
Example missions:
Assault a strongpoint together with another team, guard an object, sweep an area and clear for enemies.
What is expected of you:
You are expected to solve high precision missions. You are typically operating unsupported deep behind enemy lines, striking only at a specific target when the time is right.
Example missions:
Sabotage, recon, QRF, Direct Action, VIP elimination or extraction, disturbing the enemy.
What is expected of you:
You are expected to solve high precision missions that require special planning and special equipment. The nature of the mission is typically unconventonal or highly complex.
Example missions:
Swim to an island at night while being hunted by the enemy. Climb or rapell a mountain. Lie at an observation post an entire night in the freezing cold or in a swamp surrounded by mosquitoes.