How MilQuest works

You are invited to 10 weeks of military inspired training, leading up to the GET IT DONE challenge, a four hour grueling test of everything you have worked for.

Every week contains:

Weekend challenge

A two-hour challenge is released every weekend, in the theme of the class, either: Endurance, Cardio, Strength, Explosivity. Passing all these are mandatory to earn your finisher patch. The final one is the GET IT DONE challenge. Challenges are designed so that everyone can be together, no matter their fitness level (blue, green, red)

Weekly workouts

Four 30-60 minute weekly workouts are released every start of the week: Strength & Stability, Rucking & Running, Explosivity, Toughness. These are optional to earn your finisher patch. Finishing them earns the prestigeous 100% completion bar on your finisher patch.

Never Give Up

Additionally to passing the unknown challenges on the hardest (red) level, you can choose to accumulate a number of known challenges during the class also. For example 100km rucking and 1000 burpees. This  earns you the legendary NEVER GIVE UP finisher patch.

Delivered in a staircase

Intensity increases the first 3 weeks, then week 4 is a rest week.

In week 5, the ladders starts over again but from a higher level than week 1. The next rest is week 8.

Finally, week 9 and 10 are just tough. But thats what we need to endure to finish.

Year schedule

Each class has its own theme and are run at the same time every year. Complete four classes in a row to cover all the themes.

Winter (January - March)

Endurance theme

Spring (April - June)

Cardio theme

Summer (July - September)

Strength theme

Autumn (October - December)

Explosivity theme

Needed gear 

You need a backpack and some weight to put in it. That's it. 

Weekend challenges

Two hour unconventional workout challenges released every weekend. Content is unknown, but will be within the theme of the class (Endurance, Strength, Cardio or Explosivity). The final week 10 challenge (GET IT DONE) takes four hours to complete.

Strength & Stability

Choose between foundational, tactical and operational strength


Explosive sprints and explosive movements with weighted ruck

Rucking & running

Choose between ruck run, quick ruck and heavy ruck


Endurance training using your full body and weighted ruck

Weekly workouts

30-45 minute workout sessions designed to progressively build you up. Every week offers four types of workout: Strength & Stability, Rucking & Running, Explosivity and Toughness.

On top of the unknown GET IT DONE challenges, you can accumulate a number of known exercises throughtout the class, to earn the NEVER GIVE UP finisher patch.

  1. 100 km Rucking 
  2. 42,2 km Running
  3. 8km swimming or 1,6km Military crawl
  4. 690 m Vertical distance 
  5. 1000 Push-ups 
  6. 1000 Burpees 
  7. 1000 Sit-ups, Ruck twists or flutter kicks 
  8. 1000 Back squats 
  9. 30 min each of: Wall sit, Plank, Reverse superman hold
  10. 3 km each of: Farmers, Biceps, Overhead carry

Follow the RED Get  it Done program, and additionally, accumulate through the 10 weeks of the class:

Never Give Up


  • any 3: Earn BLUE NGU
  • any 6: Earn GREEN NGU
  • all 10: Earn RED NGU

How far will you go these 10 weeks?